Earlier risers have a lower risk of developing mental health problems than night owls Findit.lk
Earlier risers have a lower risk of developing mental health problems than night owls

Recent research has highlighted the mental health benefits of being an early riser compared to staying up late. The study, conducted by a team of sleep and mental health experts, found that individuals who wake up early are significantly less likely to develop mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Key Findings:

  1. Consistent Sleep Patterns: Early risers tend to have more regular and consistent sleep patterns. This regularity helps in maintaining the body's internal clock, which is crucial for overall mental health.
  2. Exposure to Natural Light: Those who wake up early are exposed to more natural daylight. Sunlight exposure is known to boost mood and improve sleep quality, as it helps regulate the production of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that affect mood and sleep.
  3. Proactive Lifestyle: Early risers often engage in more proactive and structured daily routines. This structure can lead to a sense of accomplishment and control, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  4. Better Sleep Quality: Night owls, on the other hand, often experience sleep disruptions and irregular sleep patterns, which can negatively impact mental health. Poor sleep quality has been linked to increased risks of mental health issues.


  • Adopt an Earlier Wake-Up Time: Gradually shifting your wake-up time earlier by 15-30 minutes each day can help adjust your internal clock.
  • Morning Exposure to Light: Spend time outside in the morning or use light therapy lamps to simulate natural daylight.
  • Regular Sleep Schedule: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends, to support your body’s natural rhythms.
  • Evening Routine: Establish a calming evening routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down, improving the quality of your sleep.

This study emphasizes the importance of sleep patterns and lifestyle choices in mental health. Adopting habits that promote better sleep and more exposure to daylight can significantly reduce the risk of developing mental health problems.

July 5th 2024