Closing Date: 2024-12-09
Administrative Officer, Factory Officer, Clerk, Driver, Mechanic- Tea Research Board
Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri Lanka for the following posts at the St. Coombs Estate, Talawakelle and St. Joachim Estate, Ratnapura managed by the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
The posts are permanent. The Selected candidates will be required to work at St. Coombs Estate, Talawakelle / St. Joachim Estate, Ratnapura or any other Estates managed by the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka as per the service requirements.
Application giving full Curriculum Vitae along with the copy of birth certificate, copies of relevant educational and other professional qualifications, service certificates, other evidence in relation to innovative skills and the names and addresses of two non–related referees who can assess the applicant skills and knowledge in the relevant field by post to reach the undersigned on or before 09th December 2024. Also state the post applied on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.
Applications from officers in the State Service/Corporations/Statuary Board should be forwarded through the Head of the respective Institution. Non-conformity with this requirement will result in the application being rejected